Can these bicycle wheels be easily moved? The pinnacle of creativity in 2023

Taking obvious inspiration from artist Theo Jansen’s Strandbeests and CARV’s earlier efforts, maker The Q fabricated himself a crazy bicycle which has no rear wheel, and instead can walk across the ground. This design appears much smoother than the one we previously saw, but by no means the fastest way to ride a bicycle.
welkom bike freaks and bicycle lovers on nthis blog full of nice bicycles, cool bike stuff and beautiful cycling pictures. Im a guy from the east of the netherlands I own myself a kirk precision, giant mcr-team, van tuyl vt880 whit a joker frame from C4, gazelle champion mondial time trial from 1988 (singlespeed), gazelle champion mondial, and a strida. I hope you like my blog and if you want to say someting sent me a message. i got most of the pics from internet so if there is someting what ...

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